Morning 7:30am-8:30
7:30 : drop off
8:00: Break into Class groups
8:30: Morning Circle
9:00: Potty / Diaper Check and Centers/ Curriculum
10:00: Outdoor Play
10:30: Snack Time
11:15: Outdoor Play
11:30: Potty/ Diaper Check
12:00- Lunch time
12:30- Clean up and Potty/Diaper Check
1;00- Nap Time
Children are encouraged to nap or lay down and rest
3:00- Potty / Diaper Check
3:30- Snack Time
4:00- Center rotation groups
5:00- Pick up

Daily Schedule Sample

Please send a stack of Diapers with your child. We will send a note home or a text reminder when running low.
Change of Clothes
We ask to please bring a change of clothes to keep in your childs cubby. Weather its a messy art project , water day or having an accident its best to have back ups.
Bedding for Nap
If your child is staying for nap you will need to bring a crib sheet, a blanket and if your child sleeps with a special animal or "lovey". We have cots and porta cribs. We encourage naps and will rub their back if needed. It's a quiet resting time for the children to recharge their batteries.
Snacks and Lunch
All snacks are provided.
Please pack a healthy lunch.